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Course curriculum
The Importance of Being Kind and Bullying Behavior vs Buddy Behavior
Introduction to Dare to Care
Bully Behaviour
DO THIS QUIZ VIA CLASS DISCUSSION or on own if you are learning at home: Is it Bully or Buddy behavior?
Bullying vs Conflict/Mean Moments
Introduction to mean moments
Mean moments and bullying
Amaka and Sandra
DO THIS QUIZ VIA CLASS DISCUSSION or on own if you are learning at home: Is it a Mean Moment or is it Bullying Behavior?
Classroom Activity
Broken Heart Activity: The Impact of Bullying
Introduction to broken hearts
Gina's broken heart
DO THIS QUIZ VIA CLASS DISCUSSION or on own if you are learning at home: Whose job is it to keep you safe?
Broken hearts & Acts of Kindness
DO THIS ACTIVITY AS A CLASS or on own if you are learning at home. Activity – in the instructions at the top, Teachers/parents can print off the Random Acts of Kindness Bingo Cards from the resources and posters module: Random acts of kindness activity
Tattling vs Asking For Help
Introduction to turtle vs giraffe
Turtle vs Giraffe
Bad case of the tattle tongue
Wrap up
DO THIS QUIZ VIA CLASS DISCUSSION or on your own if learning at home. Print-off the Tattling Rules Poster from the Resource and Poster module or show the Tattling Poster on the screen while answering the question: Is it tattling or asking for help?
Standing Up for Yourself and Others
Standing up for yourself
DO THIS QUIZ VIA CLASS DISCUSSION or on own if you are learning at home: Is it bullying behavior?
How to stand up to bullies
Wrap up and practice activity
How to Stop Bullying! Examples & and Best Solutions (For Students)
Watch this video on How to Stop Bullying! Examples & and Best Solutions (For Students)
Resources & Posters
Resources and Posters