Pricing options

For large groups and schools, please select 'Regular price'. For individuals access, please select 'Individual Professional'.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Overview of Bullying

    • Introduction

    • The Scope of the Problem

    • Bullying vs Normal Peer Conflict

    • Types of Bullying

  • 2

    Perfect Targets: Misunderstood and Mislabeled Children

    • Provocative/Neurodiverse Children

    • Reactive/Easy to Anger Children

    • How to help children self-regulate.

    • Activity

  • 3

    Strategies in Dealing with Bullying Behavior

    • What is a no-nonsense approach to bullying? Why problem solving does not work.

    • Is your school code of conduct enough?

    • The 4 components needed for systemic change.

    • Burger King | Bullying Jr Commercial

  • 4

    Resource Centre

    • Resources for Download

    • Posters for Download